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Game Breakthrough - Brutal Honesty

Game Breakthrough - Brutal Honesty

Just had a really interesting night: I've been contemplating breaking up with my girlfriend for a while now so that I can really go all out and chase after girls. I pretty much laid it out that a) I wanted her to be happy but b) my selfish desires were more important to myself. Essentially, I told her she'd be much happier with a beta herb that would be happy to take care of her, not cheat on her, be pussy whipped, etc...

I told her that I had held myself back in sleeping with lots of other girls while we were dating, but that in the future I wasn't going to do that anymore. I didn't mention that I had fucked a few girls during our relationship when I was overseas on business or in NYC/ATL, but that came up later on in the conversation. All in all, I was brutally honest and it all came down to "I want you to be happy, but my happiness is more important... so I'm going to fuck other girls".

Obviously, I was ready to break up and move on.

Pretty mind blowing how she reacted. First she did the typical female response: wetworks with the sobbing and gnashing of teeth and saying "No I don't want to break up but I don't want you to sleep with other girls". But after a while, it was like a fucking car sales negotation: She whittled down first to "Just sleep with other girls when you're overseas" to "just don't fuck girls in LA" to "just be discreet about it and don't let me find out" when she finally gave up. Maybe it helps that she lived in Asia for 15 years where shit like this happens quite a lot.

There were lots of moments where I could've slipped up and fallen out of the "I don't give a fuck" frame, but I purposely held tight to it and spoke slowly and with purpose. This was especially helpful because I caught myself straying in a few instances and I gave myself enough time to recompose my train of thought. In the end, she said she wasn't happy about it but accepted my all or nothing scenario, and we even fucked after the discussion. Gave me a morning hummer as well when I woke up today. I'm still a little dazed, kind of like a minor league villain who unexpectedly breaks out a huge stash of Kryptonite on Superman.

So as not wallow too much in self-congratulations, I want to ask some of the board members here who are in these types of "like it or leave" relationships, what's the biggest issue you've dealt with? I think I remember Thedude saying that he's been in one of these for years, and I can imagine that you'd have to deal with some rampant emotionalism from time to time, especially if she digs too deep and finds out the details of your bitties on the side.

Really curious to see how this plays out, especially with my trips to Seoul, NYC and ATL in the next month and a half.

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