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Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Do you lie about your ethnicity?

Honestly, I think it's idiotic to lie about your ancestry, unless of course you're in a really dangerous or life or death situation, for example if I were in Pakistan and some Taliban looking dude came up to me and asked me where I'm from, I'd say Canada or even New Zealand. But with girls, I don't think it matters as much, at least not in the short-term. IF you get serious with a girl, maybe for example, if you're Palestinian and she's Israeli, that could bring some family problems long-term.

If you're just looking to get laid with a decent looking girl, ethnicity doesn't exclude you from her panties just like not being the best looking guy doesn't either. You can be super good looking to women, but if you don't even have simple game, you'll not get laid. Conversely you could be relatively ugly but appear to have value to the girl and still get laid relatively easily.

I know tons of Indians that get the hottest women from any nationality. It has nothing to do from where they're from and more to do with how they act or what they've accomplished.

Little boys lie. Real men are confident and proud with who they are, no matter where they're from.

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