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how much do you lie to girls?

how much do you lie to girls?

A lie I use to bind a woman through her own greed, feel free to use it:

When I call a woman and she doesn’t answer the phone, I never leave a message. When she calls back, she leaves a message. Usually “Hey, you called?” or some variant. They have to leave a message because all women in my phone are set to go directly to voicemail. If your phone doesn’t have that feature, download an app for it. When I call again and she picks up, this is what I say:
“I called because I have a [friend/business partner] that asked me for a favor, he is hosting a private [party/business function/event] and the girl who was going to be his [front desk greeter/ring girl/ticket punch] girl cancelled. He called me because I know a lot of people and he asked if I could find him a cute girl to replace the one who cancelled and he’d giver her [$100/$300$900] cash just to be a [front desk greeter/ring girl/ticket punch] for a few hours.”

At this point I wait for her to start to speak, then cut her off and say “So I called a model I hang out with, she wanted to do it but her [boyfriend/manager] won’t let her because he’s scared I’m trying to take her from him. Since she couldn’t do it, I called you. I figured I’d throw [$100/$300$900] your way.”

Of course, I tell her that I found a girl right after I tried talking to her.
Wherever you see [ ] is a place where you have to tailor the pitch to the bitch.

This routine plays into the female need and desire to be paid just to “look pretty”. It’ll also add an asterisk next to your name in her memory as a man connected to women, The Scene, and money. Once I’ve use this routine on a woman I’ve yet to have a woman not pick up on the first ring or call within seconds of my not leaving a voicemail. They are also far more inclined to want to be in my circle and cater to me because I can provide her with opportunities.


Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

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