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Kiev 2013

Kiev 2013

Guys I fucked up, consecuences of gaming taken girls..

Im experimenting a dreadful situation. Im seeing a married29 girl with a 3 yr kid. I daygamed her a few days ago here in kiev and things have lost control. Last night she came to visit me late at night telling me that she is sick of her husband. She told me they where at this party and guy eneded up drink like mad. He needed help for walking and coudnt even talk. So she decided to leave him to sleep and come to see me to mine. I thought it was a risky move but she said her best female friend was covering and that in case sth happens she will conver.

Already at my at place after 50 minutes of her being here the husband starts texting. He was half drunk. He was calliing her horrible names in Ucranian and saying he was very suspiciuos. He said that he not trust her and that he niticed her acting weird lately texting a lot and with her mind away...After an hour of conversation vía whatsapp with the husband it seems that he calms a little and ends up buying that she is with her female friend and that she left because of his bad behavour, but still there is a lot of tensión and uncertainty.

She is crying and Im feeling like total crap, like a really bad person. I never in my life been with a married girl. I ve been at some point with a girl with boyfriend but never a girl with family. When we had our first instant date she was telling how bored she was of her life and routine, I thought I could bring a little joy and adventure to her world. Never wanted to mess with her life or cause her any trouble. Id never could imagine this could happen! How naive is that!? She also got carried away things and we acted stupidly. She went through the 3 stages in tears. First blaming her husband for making her so miserable and for being an alcohólic, then blaming me for entering her life like that, flirting with her and escalating knowing that she is married and then blaming herself for letting herself into it. Actually all 3 are true. But im just feeling terrible. I came here for holidays, daygame and fun and now I destroy the the life if a married girl. The worst thing is that shes kinda fallen for me and telling how now im gonna dissappear from her life and how much pain im gonna leave in her heart and how hard is gonna be to forget me. It actually makes me feel even worse and I have to admit that I Iike her a lot..

Now im waiting for her to text en and tell how things are home..And guys I feel like mess. I was going to change my flight and stay here one more week to enjoy Kiev and continúe daygaming but finally im keeping my flight and leaving to Madrid tomorrow morning. The girls works right by my place with her husband. I cant just leave her with that mess and keep on with my life daygaming like nothing. I better leave to spain let her fix things, it will make it easier. Of course I could stay and dont tell her but It doesnt feel right and not in the mood for more bullshit. I wanna go to back home take a few days break of girls and relflec on things. Its obvioous that the lesson is learned and hopefully its useful for someone here. Messing around with girls that are taken is not a moral thing to do and it can have bad consecuences and destroy someones life, its not a game....

Id appreciate some thought suggestions or ideas.

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