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(Job) ideas for an exciting life

(Job) ideas for an exciting life

Quote: (04-13-2011 11:05 AM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2011 10:58 AM)K-man Wrote:  

Why doesn't anyone want to do it the old-fashined way?
- get a college degree
- get a good-paying job, you would probably start at $50k and move up to $100k in 5-6 years
- don't be a big spender in the meantime, don't aim to impress girls with you new ride or fabulous penthouse that would take up all your income. live with roommates, party like in college.

After 5-6 years of this, you should have upwards of $100k saved up, perhaps $200k if you've invested it well. Then would be the time to set up an investment strategy that delivers 10% or so consistently.

Put 200k in this and it should easily provide 2k/mo. This should allow for a comfortable, if not luxury, travel lifestyle. If you want more, then you'd have to put in 5 or 10 years more of busting your ass.

You need more than a college degree these days to get a "good paying & good career growth/escalating job.

You need a great degree in something professional or from a very good school. Also more times than not you need to have connections on the inside or these good jobs in big firms/companies ect.

On top of that alot of guys want to have a family/kids which would mean having to get married or settled down around 30-35. Soo that leaves a small window to travel around the globe partying and fucking women. Its a dilemma that many guys face.

I would be impressed if someone making 100k per year saved up 100k or 200k in 5 or 6 years.

They would have to be living somewhere super cheap in America.

100k is barely scratching by in many places.

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