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Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (08-09-2013 02:13 PM)PapiGringo Wrote:  

While I kind of agree on Venezuela, this thread made my day.

Hell boy, you are in "CULOMBIA". If you dont get laid in Medellin, being a white guy, you are outright UGLY

Not even means you are a midget or a fat guy paved with acne, if you never go out and smile while the sun is shining up on you, then yes nobody is gonna want to be your friend.

Get out of the country, please.

I'm almost a midget, not that pretty and I have a bit of a gut on me but I found this post to be very informative and inspiring, thanks for your contribution to the discussion Papigringo!

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