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how much do you lie to girls?

how much do you lie to girls?

I don't have a moral compass, so lie all you want, I'd say. Just beware of the dangers.

(1) If you start seeing the girl seriously, she will find out and it will be hard maintaining frame explaining why you felt the 'real you' wasn't good enough for her.

(2) If word gets around you're lying, that's problematic. I would not want to be in that situation and I'm assuming it's why lying stresses you out so much.

(3) Slippery slope. If lying pays off, are you gonna use it more often? And even worse, is lying going to prevent you in some degree from actually getting more experiences and being more interesting?

You can't change the time you started having sex. It wouldn't be that bad to lie about it. Just realize that lying often suggests insecurity about it. The better solution would be to own it, reframe it.

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