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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (08-06-2013 01:40 PM)newgame Wrote:  

I plan to spend about a month somewhere in the world (Medellin?) around December. If I like the place, I may go back soon after for a longer term.

Ideally, I'll find 2-3 high quality girls (7+) for short term relationships, then rotate them out when I get bored.

What I like:
  • I don't like prostitutes, even if I can get a freebie.
  • I like round ass, but not fat
  • I prefer younger girls (18-25) with low mileage and I'm willing to work a little longer/harder if I have to for these girls.
About me:
  • I speak Spanish very well
  • I'm white with blue eyes and brown hair
  • I'm 5'10
  • I have a thin build, but I'm trying to add muscle before the trip
  • I'm 37, but pass for 32
  • I have a budget of 5k to 6k per month
  • Beta game, but can be aggressive when needed.
I'm leaning toward South America because I speak Spanish and I love round ass, but for some reason the Philippines and Thailand is intriguing me; mostly because it sounds like it's easier to get girls in SEA than South America.

I've never really liked Asian girls due to the ass issue, but I'm currently dating a Korean girl with the most amazing lower body (waist and ass) I've ever seen. This girl has really turned me on to Asian girls, assuming I can find more like her (maybe 10% of the girls in SEA?).

Any advice on the best location is appreciated!

I am 39....been to Medellin, Cali, Bogota, Manila, Cebu and BKK.

If I spoke Spanish I would be ALL OVER COLOMBIA.....The main issue
there for me is the language barrier which gets in the way.

Go where you will enjoy the girls more.....Asia is great...but the filipinos
are too nice and will probably bore you....

I would tear up South America and Eastern Europe......then hit asia
when you are older....thats my plan.

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