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(Job) ideas for an exciting life

(Job) ideas for an exciting life

To you does an exciting job == a monetarily prolific job? Or are you simply looking for something that stimulates your mind and makes you happy?

I might be off base, but if you're like me (financially tight and with a very specific set of skills) I've always looked at jobs in the nightlife as something I'd like to do, even if for a little while. When I hit the West Coast this spring one of the first things I'm gonna do is try to find a job as a bartender. Its something I've never done, so to me that qualifies it as interesting. Its cash money in your pocket, never a bad thing. I've personally seen bartenders that love what they do, have a very wealthy social life because of their job (the knows everyone everywhere kind of people) and Ive seen some bartenders game on the job, well.

If I get my way I'll get that job, I wont be banking mad money any time soon, but if it works out it sounds like a life I'd like to live, for a little while at least.

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