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(Job) ideas for an exciting life

(Job) ideas for an exciting life

I understand what your gunning for, but I think that your post casts too wide a net to solicit responses that will be effective for you.

You should have just posted "I want the most ideal job and life available to anyone, anywhere".

Join the club. Better yet, search the forums.

To summarize, what you want from your job includes:

Mental and physical perfection
Time Freedom
Social Influence
Women and the ability to improve with women while you work.
Passive Income
International Travel, specifically international travel that allows you to both spend time in cosmopolitan cities and sunny beach areas.

No offense, but GMAFB.

Listen to me when I say this: before you will ever be successful, you have to step away from what seems almost like manic ideation of the perfect life.

1. First, separate all of the personal improvement goals out from work, including women and your social influence goals. Work on them in your free time. Having to meet these goals while searching for your income stream will severely limit your options. Focus more on what will best free up your time and location dependence.

2. Then, think about how you can provide something of real value to people. Once you come up with this, then figure out how to sell it to them in the form of a product. Selling products is the best way to free up your time from having to perform labor and to make yourself somewhat location independent. A product can also be your output in the form of a service. Tip: You may have to work in an industry for a few years before a good product idea comes to mind. Make sure that you don't pick something that will stop producing for you after a certain period of time, like when you get older.

3. Figure out how to make people trust you enough to buy your product.

4. Ask people to buy your product.

Others will respond to you more inspirationally, and have an opinion different from mine. I just think that you are too scattered right now, and not viewing this through the right lens.

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