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Preselection/gaming multiple girls

Preselection/gaming multiple girls

One of the basic tenets of game is that a guy who is seen as successful with gorgeous women will be more attractive to other gorgeous women. My question is does this really only work with gorgeous girls? A lot of times when I go out with mixed groups of guys and girls, the girls who are single aren't the best looking girls (Usually around 6's). Is being seen with them a hindrance to being preselected?

Also, if you're gaming multiple girls I'd assume preselection would only help you. I've also heard that some dread game will do wonders, especially if a girl thinks she's the only one - Leave a pair of panties lying around, maybe some condom wrappers, etc. How discrete should you be with a girl about other girls in your life? Should you outright tell them? Make hints? Or just show them through random cues rather than actually say anything about it?

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