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Where did I mess up here?

Where did I mess up here?

You know what guys, You know what?

You guys are right. Its good to post this here so I, and others can learn from it.

Funniest thing was when I was sending these texts I actually thought we were having a good back and forth. No joking, yea, its a little wordy, and that does give them more chances to find a red flag, but I'm not even a fan of texting (I kinda got a serious gf that is living overseas, and I'm always paranoid that all of these messages to random phones will eventually come to the light, and leave me looking hella scumbag-ish.

I know girls like the "fun guy", but I seriously didn't want to go out to a party/festival/bar etc. with this chick because the depression thing would've made it a waste of time and money as I wouldn't have been capitalizing on the event. still, I wanted to break the dry spell.

I didn't really push it with this girl because it was just like, fukk, if we do something that's cool, if not, whatever... I think that is very evident in my side of the exchange. Sure, I would've preferred not expelling the effort and being left hanging, but it happens, because she wasn't feeling my vibe enough.

I did the whole "Can you even cook thing?" Cause I was waiting for her to WANT to come over to prove herself. I didn't expect her to admit she's wack in the kitchen.

Did she pass the boner test? Yea, I haven't been with another female life-form in a while, so I could've got it up for her after 2.5 drinks and the right lighting. Her being thin, helped out alot. Plus, Asians are my fave, so I coulda made it work.

Main thing I take away from this is that I need to work on inner game. I will not mess with any anti-depressants anytime soon though, as I know what changes I have to start to make to get confident again.

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