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What is a girlfriend and how to get one?

What is a girlfriend and how to get one?

Quote: (07-26-2013 09:05 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  


Samseu had a great write-up on the subject.

Check it out:

Had a look at that thread, but my problem seems to be quite different. The conclusion from that thread would be, 'fuck em ASAP and they'll stick'. Sure, I usually bang them either on the first night I meet them or at most 2 dates in. And they're sticking, for rotation, but I don't get the whole girlfriend thing. Also, I'm in the Netherlands.

Quote: (07-26-2013 05:17 PM)RustyShackleford Wrote:  

That's a pretty funny situation my friend. I have something similar where I make girls fall in love with me after a couple months and they push that girlfriend talk early, and it causes many to fall out of the rotation early. I've stuck with engaging with mini relationships for my problem.

Have these girls ever brought up relationships with you? In my experience the girl often brings up being committed after a couple months. You don't want to engage or ask yourself "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" because it will weaken her attraction for you, as if you are showing a scarcity mentality.

How you treat the girls is how they will receive it. If you are always making them come over just for sex, they understand what it is. Instead, you could try to bring them to more date locations, and she will start to feel the relationship being pushed in that direction. Bring her out to a couple of date spots and I think she will at least inquire as to what you guys are, and where you are headed.

Hmm. Girls haven't brought relations up before with me. Apart from the 'I have to be a relationship before I have sex...' '-sure....' And I don't engage in that sort of talk either. I'm quite strong in my frame of being single.

I think the essence of my problem is in the final part of your reply. They might just be there for the sex. But the thing is, I barely ever get to bring them to dating locations. Either I don't have the time for it, or whenever I invite a girl I like (besides for rolling around in the sack) for dinner, day out, sappywhatever, the usual reply is 'no, got other plans' or a simple 'don't want to' (and it arrives about 12 hours later) while the bootycall replies are often within five minutes and most often positive.

I just can't wrap my head around this. Something is putting them off and it annoys me because I want to have all these things down pat.

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