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Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 06:33 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Now, i am not necessarily deffending Trayvon because he was black, i would be saying the same thing if Trayvon was white, i just think that it is unfair for Zimmerman to walk away free when he killed someone. Are you telling me that this guy doesnt even deserve a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison?

Pitt, you already said you think if TM was white it wouldn't have happened.

I hear what you are saying but still think it makes no sense. I have been followed before but that doesn't mean I have the right to physically attack them. If I do that then I am the aggressor.

It is interesting to see who on here think they can physically attack someone for simply following them or saying something they don't like (I am not saying this about you Pitt).

If Zimmerman started getting physically first, he should have went to jail. For now, he has to live in fear for being stupid. That doesn't mean he wasn't suppose to defend himself when he got attacked.

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