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Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Bill O'Reilly talks about black america

Quote: (07-26-2013 03:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2013 02:50 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

I think guys have got to be careful about making the "red-pill" synonymous with an ideological laundry list or party-line that everyone's got to agree with. First to be red-pill you had to acknowledge female nature. Then you had to have a certain view of cultural issues and politics. Then you have to take a certain perspective on race, etc.

I agree with O'Reilly, Sotomayor, and others here about black culture in America, but there should be room for disagreement.

Red pill means, to me, of not being shy to the truth. When you've got official data that shows thousands of black youths murdered each year, and even more being incarcerated, then it's time to stop living in denial.

There are problems MUCH MUCH deeper than mere bigotry or racism.

Your truth is highly selective and ignores lots of relevant factors. For instance, the out of wedlock thing matters, but not as much as you think. My parents were not married. I've got a masters degree from a well-known school and a job at a fairly prestigious institution. I'm as bougie as they come. Meanwhile, I have two cousins whose parents were married and together until the day that my uncle died. Both of those cousins are ghetto as fuck.

There 40 million black people in this country and you want to wrap us all up in your stereotypical view. That's fine, but my reality trumps your stereotypes. That's red pill.

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