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Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Medellin almost impossible for foreigners

Quote: (07-25-2013 07:40 PM)WEDO Wrote:  

You are never going to convince guys (like GM) that are banging tons of hot chicks in the states that it is a good idea to go to Colombia and struggle with a foreign language and culture even if they can get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging.

Here is the thing, I do speak Spanish (not fluent, but have been traveling and living in Spanish speaking countries since I was 16). Lived in Spain. Lived in Mex. Been to Colombia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama etc multiple times.

I use Spanish when I swoop in Miami. And to a lesser degree in Southern California.

But I still don't find Colombia easier than big city America in general or Miami in particular.

This is how I see it break down:

(A Miami VS Colombia Comparison Data Sheet of sorts).

Miami has nightlife 7 days per week. Correct me if I am wrong, but Colombian cities don't.

Nightlife vibe. Miami is wide open. Colombia is mixed groups.

Logistics and travel times are better in Miami.

Variety is greater in Miami. Is someone in Medellin swooping a grip of Cuban girls, Argentinians, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Mexicanas, along with Calenas, Paisas, Costenas and Rollas? I would love to be corrected, if I missed out.

Smoking is more accepted in bars in Miami than Colombia.

More variety of nightspots. I saw two real high quality nightspots in Bogota. I might have missed some. Miami has 20 in walking distance.

Beach. I didn't see a beach in Bogota for day Game. Medellin doesn't have one either according to Google maps. Cartagena doesn't stack up.

Relatability. I am just going to relate better to a club owner from NYC or LA in Miami than I am some Colombian club owner.

Juice. I have juice in America. In Colombia, I don't (I actually have a friend that is a DJ in Medellin but I still haven't looked him up).

So how am I going to "get chicks that are even hotter than the ones they are currently banging." in Colombia?

I have asked you before and I am not sure if you saw my question because you never answered, but how do you create higher value for yourself in Colombia?

I am asking you because I think you are one of a handful of older cats I can really learn from on here. I would love to give Colombia another try.

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