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Girl with Part of Arm Missing

Girl with Part of Arm Missing

Quote: (07-05-2013 06:34 AM)beltoforion Wrote:  

Last night at her place we talked, tried to do a comfort date, drank wine and made out, tried to escalate again but LMR'd... she wad turned on i can tell, she wrapped her legs around me. Then she says she feels tired needs shower blah blah and asks me to leave. I'm starting to lose interest in this chic i dont care getting on another date with her unless its a sure bang which i think its not the case. I'll radio silence her.

Maybe it's best just to plow through.

I'm getting crazy resistance like yours as well.

They want to do it, but I think it is so complicated for them because they are testing to see if you are a fetishist or whatever.

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