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Tinder App

Tinder App

Watch out everybody there are bots now on Tinder. Not sure if this is a Toronto thing but I have had 3 "matches" be Bots for some shitty cam site which is stupid since this is a phone app and the camsite would not work on on a Iphone.

Quote: (07-03-2013 12:26 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2013 10:53 AM)soup Wrote:  

Ok, but how are you guys going about getting them to your pads?

Can you post an example of one your exchanges?

This is a stripped down version of one, the 2nd portion is verbatim except for locations:

-around 1pm, after initial banter-

Me: Well you seem chill, let's a grab a drink sometime
Her: Yeah I would be down for that
Me: Cool, how about 9pm tonight? You get the lime juice, I'll get the tequila
Her: Haha I'm doing Yoga tonight. I'll let you know later what time I'll be done though

-2 hours later-

Me: What part of town do you live in?
Her: ABC neighborhood, you?
Me: near XYZ
Her: Oh nice my friend lives near there
Me: yeah I like living near 123. Anyway, can we plan on my place at 9 tonight?
Her: Hmmm ok so nothing personal, but I don't know how I feel about going to a random guys place. What if you're an axe murderer?
Me: I just got out of prison for murder actually, the key witness "disappeared" so they dropped the case! But to be honest, I just want to chill out and have a drink. And maybe make out with you, but only if you're as cute as your pictures.
Her: Why do I always attract the murderers?? I need to be up at 7am tomorrow
Me: Me too. You'll be home by bedtime. Txt me so I can send you my address: 123-456-7890


This script has led to 4 no-date bangs in the past month.

A few key points:

-The "you get the lime juice" line implies that we're not going to a bar, and that it's not a date. It's also a way to test her initial reaction to coming over.

-She never directly agrees to come over, and I don't push her to verbally commit to doing so. I assume the sale instead. This is the most important part.

-They like to ask if you're an axe murderer. I see this as a really strong sign that it's game on, since it means she's picturing herself coming over.

That's how I landed my first Tinder meetup also. We never agreed to meet up with or yes or no. Just that I would be at X place at a certain time and for her to me me there.

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