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Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers


That a good idea. Finding that stuff can be impossible.

Thats why I travel with my own "starter set".

Condoms, lube, coconut oil, acv, tea tree oil, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baking soda, etc.

I pack it all in my checked bag.

I call the airlines first to ask about how much liquid I can have in my bags.

I just tell them the truth about what I am bringing. They always say "no problem".

I just talked to United Airlines about traveling with peanut butter and olive oil. They said as long as its packed in my checked bag, its no big deal. I wrap it in large amounts of newspaper and towels so it can't break.

If I needed to, I would would pack my juicer and blender into a separate bag or box and check that.

Shit, if I needed to I would carry my juicer as my "carry on".

You know me, I always have fruit in my pocket and avocados in my car. And, a joint in my shoe.

Good biz idea though. In Rio, some guys I know were doing this. Find you an apartment, pick you up from the airport, get your groceries, show you bars and clubs, give you a tour, get you a working girl, etc.

Would definitely work in the right location with the right people running the operation.

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