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Colombia Questions (Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota)

Colombia Questions (Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota)

I would like to stress that even though I've lost some things in Colombia, most Colombians are really nice people and will often go out of their way to be helpful. For instance, last time I was there I forgot my credit card in an ATM after having taken out money. The people next in line called me back and gave it back to me. They could easily have taken it and possibly withdrawn more money from it but chose not to.

This is typical of the vast majority of Colombians, who are good-hearted people despite being subject to prejudice of being drug dealers etc. Criminals are actually pretty few and far between but unfortunately they make a lot of noise. Yes Colombia CAN be dangerous but that is true of any country. It is much more dangerous for Colombians than for foreigners.

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