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Question for the millionaires

Question for the millionaires

My phrasing is shit. Basically, the intent is more on the lines of, how are you continuing to improve your life?

That's the best I can phrase it. If you don't need any more cash and don't need any game help the only thing left to do is basically help people and do your own hobbies. Or am I missing something.

I don't hate my job at all, I don't love it I just show up am decent at it and go home. So that's pretty much purgatory.

The reason I pose this, is the wealthy guys I am surrounded by have negative game, get bitch slapped by the wife all day and go to day care events. I have no interest in a wife or kids ever in the future. So I am basically turning to a bunch of guys who are likely players to see what they are doing to improve their lives every year. I would be bored to tears doing nothing.

To give some color most people on the street just stay to "build a legacy". But lol @ them because no one cares about their legacy, so I am not about to do that either.

I guess I am just spinning wheels, but still interested in hearing how people are continuing to improve.

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