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How to make this play?

How to make this play?

Background: Met a girl through class. She emailed me, asking to go out. We went out 4 or 5 times. We've been banging since the 2nd date. Might I add, the sex was very good for both of us. The slip up comes from me being too available to her. We talk on the phone pretty much daily. I guess she considers us to be dating.

I don't think that I've totally fucked this as far as her considering me to be a push over, but I want to see her a little more than every 8 days. I know that she likes me, but I need to put her on point.

She was acting pretty distant so I texted her the following:
-Hey we need to talked (just in general, I wanted to see if she was still interested)
-sure, any thing in particular?
(didn't reply for like 15 min)
-(her again) look i'm sorry i haven't been talkative, my grandma is dying (its true)
-(me) no just talking, nothing important

Another time when she flaked on me because she was sick (i got her sick) I went to the gym and she started to blow my phone up and i wasn't picking up. Texting me saying things like she doesn't care if she's sick, just to come over. I didn't go over.

Incidents like the ones above make me believe that putting this girl in check will be pretty effective. I just don't know how to do it without coming off as too extreme. Something subtle would work since it wouldn't show me being extremely interested in her.

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