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Question for the millionaires

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:11 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

So what do you do with your free time if you don't work and you are married?

Yes you count as a millionaire assuming you don't work anymore you fit all the criteria.

What I do?hmm. Basically read a lot , forums ,books on investing, etc. I planned on traveling BUT family obligations have put that on hold. No big deal .I originally thought about spending part time in Odessa(Have flat there) But there is really no advantage. Brooklyn is cheaper in a lot of ways. I see scantly dress devushkas every time i leave my flat here so NO reason to go there at the moment. Being married of course holds me back.
My only hobby is films and strategy pc games. I could do that regardless if working or not. I was forced into early retirement and don't have any useful skills(was a cop) or i would probably do something. Problem is commute in NYC is so HORRIBLE going to work doesn't excite me. I often think if there is something I could do from my PC I would.I envy a lot of the portable skills some RVF members have TBH. My only skill was clocking people over the head [Image: sad.gif].
I have started working out again. I am slim but was getting a belly(40 NOW, retired at 37). Lost it now pretty buff.
Do animal rescue once in a while.Like I said if i had a normal profession I might still be working. It gets boring but so was work.If I was single I would MOST likely do other more exciting things. For example move my base to Ukraine and from there conquer Russia, Uzbekistan and Georgia. I would be Ghangis Khan in reverse lol.

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