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Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

Peeing standing up is on the verge of becoming illegal for men in Europe

I know a lot of people on this site like to worry about some silly things as long as it pertains feminists and men but this is just beyond silly, it's ridiculous.

Does anyone really think that even if a feminist organization tried to go ahead with this the men of Europe would just say, "you know, they're right, let's start peeing sitting down, and let's pass this law because it totally makes sense".

It's just so ridiculous that I can't understand why so many of you are even getting upset about this or taking it seriously.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's pretend that this is not silly and deserves a more thorough analyses:

The EU's population is more than 500 million people, and that's not counting with the rest of Europe, which is around 740 million, so

1 - Just because something might happen in Sweden it certainly doesn't mean it would happen to the rest of Europe

2 - Even though it certainly carries more weight, just because something might happen in France, German and Holland it certainly doesn't mean it would happen to the rest of Europe

3 - A 30 sec google search shows these articles came out in June of 2012 *edit*, so we've been "on the verge" for awhile now, a year to be more precise

4 - The Naked Scientist's article which the previous articles quote and are based upon is from May of 2009, so 4 years ago; we've been "on the verge" for quite sometime apparently, and even though it mentions France, Germany and Holland it doesn't even mention Sweden.

Anyway, there are more important things to worry about for sure.

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