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Internet destroying the middle class

Internet destroying the middle class

The thing is, a worker with a 130 IQ or above who has their psychological shit together is thousands of times more productive than an IQ 100 worker. They've got it all over the IQ 120 worker but not a thousand fold. There's no way that the world can allow the top 2-10% to do all the work and have all the money even though tech allows this.

We simply don't need the low IQ worker anymore. They're worthless. McDonald's has studied getting rid of their workers at least once. They could automate the entire restaurant. They don't because HALF of American workers get their first job at McDonald's. They fear public backlash. If Burger King and the others went along, you'd be looking at mass unemployment and riots. So, you go into a burger joint and deal with shithead. Shithead is already on welfare. You are paying more for a burger because McDonald's fears the public boycotting them even though automated burger joints would be cheaper. That is politically motivated transfer payments. Face it, shithead low wage worker is already on welfare for their so called salary.

I say we take the Red Pill and pay shithead to stay at home. I'd rather order at a kiosk and have robots make the burger. I go into a Jack in the Box sometimes and now all the workers say hello. Fuck them. They lollygag on my order and it takes too long. The management has told them to say hello because the company is obviously trying to fill the social gap and build a brand. I order at the kiosk but people still make the burger. I say fire all of them, build robots and pay the ex workers to stay home and do nothing.

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