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Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Do you believe being exposed to depictions of homosexuality makes people gay?

Like breathing and sleeping, our sexual preferences are a pretty primal part of our hard-wiring and brain function.

BUT...the extent to which gayness is accepted by a society (in the West gayness is definitely accepted...actually 'celebrated' is a more appropriate term) will have a bearing on how many of them will come out and identify as gay. In China I met one person who identified as gay, in North America EVERYBODY has a gay friend/co-worker/family member.

I think that, in men at least, sexual preferences are pretty much set in stone; you like girls then you're straight, you like guys then you're gay, you like both then you're also gay (though women are a little more fluid - but this could also be a by product of how mainstream homosexuality has become).

Quote: (05-29-2013 10:07 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I have no problem with gay people, but it annoys me that despite being a small % of the population gays/lesbians and especially trannies are huge parts of shows and its shoved down your throat like real life is a gay bar where 69% of people are gay and you're just a bad person for not acknowledging them.
The media just uses gay people to 'liven' up their shows by portraying them as either flaming and flamboyant or struggling to come to terms with it. They're not portrayed as regular people, but a plot device to get more views.

I'd definitely like to see the whole love affair our cultural establishments and media have with gayness muted by about 1000%...are the gays such an important demographic that even though they make up 3-4% of the population (the most common estimate I could come across on search, though I have heard as high as 7-8% before) that everything needs to be gay friendly? I get that gay men have historically been trendsetters, but come on, I and every one else on this planet is aware that there are gay people out there; they don't need to constantly remind us of this by having them represented heavily in every single medium available.

Pretty much every single gay person I've ever met has been a typical, even-keeled, functional person with just a few small differences in how they walk, talk and act in public. I knew ONE flamer in high school and he was intolerable (but all the girls loved him).

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