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'One dead' in "Terrorist" attack in Woolwich, south London

'One dead' in "Terrorist" attack in Woolwich, south London

Some people will say this attack is not reflective of the real Islam, but they are wrong This attack is fully reflective of Islam. Remember, Islam is a two-tiered 'system'. All those nice peaceful verses in the Koran only apply to other Muslims, not infidels. There is no universal brotherhood within Islam.

These two Muslims were living out their faith exactly as said in the Koran. They took the example of Muhammad (the warlord) seriously and were trying to emulate him. Qur’an Sura 8:12b, “… terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” These weren't recent poor jilhadist immigrants. At least one of them was a Greenwich University student and was born in the UK.

The moderate peaceful Muslims around us fortunately do not follow the Islamic doctrine to the letter.

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