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The NBA Thread

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-16-2013 10:00 AM)Clyde Wrote:  

Tayshaun Prince seems to be a little gun shy. He is always passing up open shots. But I think if everything plays out. The Grizzles should meet the Heat in the Finals and I would put my money on the Griz.

The series against Indiana will be a good indication of how Miami will do against Grizzlies. Indiana is the same team as Grizzlies except that their defense is even better (they were the #1 defense this season). If Miami can beat them comfortably in 5 or 6, I think Miami beats the Grizzlies without many problems (as long as Wade is somewhat productive). If Indiana takes them to 7, you never know what happens in the Finals.

Quote: (05-16-2013 01:33 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

What do you guys think of the Spurs this year? Do they have it to challenge for the title this year? They were hard done last year as they were clearly the better team but lost somehow in some mysterious fashion as they threw away a series that was already in the bag. Have they learned from their mistake from last year?

I think the Spurs have enough to go to the Finals this year but their performance against Golden State has been mildly disappointing. Their loss last year wasn't as mysterious. Their aging core met with an emerging core which caught fire at the right time. And as horrible as Scott Brooks is as a coach, he did one thing right last year. He put Thabo on Parker and that in my opinion was the real game changer. After that Parker struggled and Spurs couldn't withstand the onslaught from Durant and Harden. I think this year they had a very good chance of going to the finals especially after Westbrook went down but they haven't regained their mid-season form in the playoffs.

Quote: (05-16-2013 02:02 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Vacancier, bar injuries, I think it will be the Spurs vs Miami in the finals and it will go to game 6 in Miami's favour.

P.S. I'm not a Miami fan, per se.

Yeah, I would love to see a Spurs-Miami Finals but I don't think Spurs get past Grizzlies given the way they are playing right now. TP isn't a 100% and Manu isn't consistent at this stage of his career.

With Miami a lot depends on the health of Wade. Wade is one of my favourite guys to watch and it is disappointing how these playoffs have gone for him given that he sat out almost 3 weeks of the regular season and had 10 days rest between the Bucks and Bulls series. If he continues to struggle, Miami becomes beatable. Bosh will have to step up even more if Wade goes down. Hopefully he can rejuvenate himself like he did last year.

Quote: (05-16-2013 02:18 PM)LoveBug Wrote:  

I'd say it goes 5... That is the most disappointing thing to me about these playoffs, I don't think anyone can fuck with Miami.. Uncompetitive.. IMHO

While the injuries have been disappointing, the playoffs have been quite fun to be honest (at least for me). Also, Miami is dealing with Wade's injuries and if he isn't very productive Miami could end up losing. I want to see a Spurs Heat Final just to see Miami's Big 3 against Spurs' Big 3 but it looks unlikely.

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