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Why are the best RVF posters from Cali?

Why are the best RVF posters from Cali?

To answer my own question.

Why did Arnold come to California?

Why does everyone in the U.S. and world want to come to California?

People who dream and think big come to California.

So naturally the guys who come to California are more likely than others to be visionaries.

People can shit on Facebook, but it was a revolution. Apple was a revolution. Google was a revolution.

Tesla is in California.

Gangster rap is from California.

Free love, hippies, the Summer of Love...California.

Marijuana usage was normalized in California. Adults here don't hide drug use. I can tell professionals that I rolled and no one bats and eye and most wish they had been there.

So even though California has problems, the kind of people who come to California are those who feel like they don't have enough room for their minds to grow in other areas. People from California want more.

Thus, things that might seem off the wall to the rest of the country (bodybuilding, drug use, game) are par for the course here.

Go to Iowa and say, "I read some article on the Internet about meeting women. Let's try this," and some macho repressed homosexual might not be friends with you.

Say that out here and guys will say, "Cool, man, try it and let me know what you think."

The state of California is ruining everything but the people remain open-minded and visionary. Hence the domination.

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