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Will fuck but not suck

Will fuck but not suck

Quote: (05-04-2013 08:38 AM)capote Wrote:  

Small clarification: I did not *ask* her to do it. After she came, I held her neck and tried to guide her downwards while suggesting it her turn. That's when she refused and I lost it.

Also, for some of the posts on cultural factors related to oral sex, this girl is German and living in Germany. She is particularly frigid though...some other German cats I know have been really funny and bubbly.

i had that problem with a filo chick i used to date years ago, she was a good catholic girl and kinda shy, that was until i introduced her to xtc...after that first night on pingers she discovered she loved to suck it and never stopped after that.

try it, it works big time.

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