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Topless Femen protesters drench archbishop

Topless Femen protesters drench archbishop

This reminds me of the anticapitalist anarchist group in Vancouver who set fire/destroyed a guys restaurant because they were mad the area was being gentrified. In other news the mconalds, starbucks and houses rich 40+ yuppies are buying to status whore were left intact.

They're just attacking easy targets for attention.

If anything the internet was the worst thing to happen to feminism. Without the internet you can't have a few people cause as large of a reaction as this. And because people look for controversy and views on the internet the more ridiculous and irrational a feminist acts the more exposure she will get. The 'normal' feminists get pushed to the wayside for those who create more drama. Once this drama becomes so absurd those who might be influenced by gender equality (equal pay for equal work, the right to vote etc) will be turned off and will view the movement as the childish outbursts of topless women attacking public figures. To most people the internet is cheap thrills where you can get together and laugh at or be offended by something and that is what feminism has become as a result of the internet.

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