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Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:25 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:01 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I just hope this doesn't reactivate the over-the-top apotheosis of firefighters, police, and "fire responders," like after 9-11. While their work is worthy of respect and gratitude, that hero-worship shit went way overboard. It's not any more valuable than the work of the guy who paved the road that got the ambulance there on time or the guy who makes sure the stop lights are in working order. People just doin' their job.

It can be tough to stomach the hero-worship of these guys until you realize what it really is: one of the few remaining outlets for people to openly appreciate traditional masculinity in modern America. Aside from sports and the military, emergency personnel like cops and firefighters are really the last reserve of anything even close to traditional masculine values. Since it's taboo to speak well of traditional masculine values openly, we instead pay homage by proxy.

It's kind of sad, but that's where we are.

No, Tuth is right, and there are plenty of other civic jobs that are just as masculine or more. Firefighters and policeman are the most romanticized. That's why little kids want to be them.

In truth, most cops are assholes. How do I know? A few of my friends who I used to be in bands with became cops and the tell me the whole force is fucked. I have dealings with cops who are complete morons.

I respect that someone needs to keep the peace, but let's not put these gangs up on a pedestal (and yes, they evolved out of gangs).

Go watch Serpico and you'll get a sense of the history of the 'greatness' of the force.

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