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Venezuela's Prison Paradise (with poosy)

Venezuela's Prison Paradise (with poosy)

Quote: (04-14-2013 02:55 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2013 04:31 AM)michelin Wrote:

Swimming pools, poosy, cannabis & oyster parties...all that and more in a prison on Isla Margarita.

Sounds like living in a college dorm, but without having to go to class.

Fuck that. Prison should be hell on earth. That's why I like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He puts these scumbags out in tent camps in the Arizona desert and feeds them nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Prison SHOULD be tough and miserable and a place you can't fathom living in.

I don't want to derail this into some USA justice system versus the rest of the world but this is one issue that I don't agree with stateside, locking guys up for so long and often in such crowded jails and prisons.

If you look at the justice systems in places like Canada, Oz, and especially the prison palaces that are found in places like Norway and Austria, you'll see that sentences are shorter, prison conditions are more humane and there's more of a focus on rehabilitation and education to prepare a guy for his re-entry into society. I work with a lot of excons who got their plumbing and welding tickets while inside. Maybe its cultural/historical differences but our crime rates are lower than they are in the USA.

Anyway, about South American prisons: I was told by many guys in Colombia that if a Gringo gets locked up they don't just throw him into the general population and if the guy has some money, he can live in relative comfort during his bid, which doesn't surprise me, look at the infamous murderer Joran Vandersloot, this guy has a big screen TV, laptop and X-box while locked up, he's friends with everyone as he teaches them English and that greasy bastard even knocked a girl up, while locked up:

Now that's a scumbag who deserves to be eating dirt sandwiches in Sheriff Joe's tent prison!

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