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Bang reviews

Bang reviews

By chance I stumbled across a link to here on a completely unrelated site, I then began reading as much about game as I could. Being a cheap fucker, I refused to actually buy any books. My dormant game (after an LTR) was resuscitated, but there was still something missing. Sure I was able to go out and get laid from time to time, but there was no consistency. Still I figured this was just due to being out of season, so I pressed on.

After an incredibly embarrassing experience in which I got a particular girl naked in her bed and then mine without banging her, I decided to buy Roosh's book. After finishing the book, literally the next night I went out I got an LTR (on a Thursday no less). I haven't looked back since, racking up several notches, and no longer putting up with even the most minimal amount of shit before I've banged a girl.

If you don't have any game to begin with, you may need to do some additional reading, or pre-reading, but for me having gone through college and gotten laid a fair amount, Roosh's book was a great refresher and helped me be more precise and ultimately more successful with my game.

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