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Winter Music Conference in Miami

Winter Music Conference in Miami

Quote: (03-24-2013 08:12 PM)chyamor Wrote:  

Live stream

That looks crazy. And hellish at the same time. Raves really went downhill.

The cool thing is it is in the middle of Miami.

That could never happen in a California city even for 10 minutes.

Let alone 2 weeks.

Quote: (03-23-2013 12:49 PM)bigxxx Wrote:  

@G I rolled into FDR at 1am. There were few open targets. The layout isn't bad so id be open to checking it another night.

How was the girl quality?


Ya, catch was busy, but the server mentioned it was out of ordinary 2nd to all the things going on in Miami last week...

That makes sense.

How was Tantra on Monday?

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