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Being White in Philly (Philadelphia Magazine Feature)

Being White in Philly (Philadelphia Magazine Feature)

Black leadership in America has ZERO credibility. Black leadership continue to cry as victims as the self-destructing system imposed on them continues to send Black America in to the abyss. Nobody wants to take a good self-reflecting look in the mirror and take blame for the mega amounts of ignorance and passivity present in Black America as they sat back and let White folks feel sorry for them for a good 30-40 years.

As a Black man myself I get pissed off hearing Black talking heads speak as 90% are full of shit. The NAACP, Black Congressional Caucus, any Black talking head of influence, all are shills. None give a shit about the structural problems present in Black American because any mention of it would attack the very power base that tosses them down crumbs. Literally almost every Black American of high influence pisses me off, name anybody from Jay-Z, to Al Sharpton, to Obama, etc all piss me the hell off with their hypocracy.

Nobody wants to ask why young Black men are stuck in a quagmire of violence, why the Black family continues to be fractured and fucked up, nobody wants to ask why a Black man in America has a better chance begin dead or in jail before 21 then in University. Only thing the Black establishment wants is for people to continue feeling sorry for them. Fuking sick of it.

The tides will turn when poor hispancs leave Black Americans in the dust as far as income and education metrics go which is probably only 10 years away from fully happening. These people whom for a generation where literally at the bottom simply exploited avenues they could and have positioned themselves to eclipse black America as the dominate Political minority group. Once this happens rest assured the Democrats will dump Black America by the waste side and look to prop up and buy the support of the Hispanic American contingent.

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