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Gays and Tranny's

Gays and Tranny's

I've never had problems with gays or lesbians carrying out their lifestyle. I even have a few masculine lesbian friends, who understand the concept of game. They're actually better wingmen than most guys I know, probably due to the fact that they also have sex with girls and can see both sides of the game from past experience. Now, that doesn't mean they don't rationalize and still do things women do, but they're definitely more masculine overall. My real problem is that it has turned into another form of victimization, always being played up for any gain or wrong doing in society. We have multiple television shows, hundreds, if not millions of support groups, and more that promote gays, and most of them still whine about perceived injustices.

Then there was this one time I was at a small party with a drinking buddies social circle. One male in the group of friends was gay, which included females otherwise I wouldn't have gone, my friend has a track record of inviting me places swarmed with fat chicks. But anyway, on topic, this guy would always hit on me, while I made it pretty clear I wasn't gay. He would constantly insinuate I was, or use pick up strategies I use on girls, and he wouldn't give up. I always ignored it until eventually he got angry, and always accused me of being in denial, or homophobic, and not in a playful way. How fucking dense can you be? If a chick blows me off, I get the message, I don't call them lesbian. Anytime I ran into him after that at social gatherings he would accuse me of stealing beer, among many other things. Of course, I would be the bad guy for telling him to fuck off, because I'm just a straight white guy with all my evil power. (In reality I'm poor, and can't find a decent job or girl)

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