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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-13-2011 11:16 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2011 10:24 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

MiXX - Funny you say about their attraction for looks. I am curious about this, because I have met some white white French girls and then some who look latin almost then there are the dark one's like part Morracan or whatever. I am curious if they each have a certain type of guy they go after?

Well, looking back at each scenario now of my 3 experiences like this with French girls ALL 3 have been blonde and blue/green eyes white.

When I went to Ottawa, Canada, The one French Canadian chic who was ALL over me, begging me to speak Spanish to her was a brunette, but she had BLUE eyes, beautiful girl. As soon as she got a hold of me, she did not hold back her intent of bangin me by nights end. Every time I got up to go to the bar/bathroom, she would follow, as if to protect her property from other prowling French girls around.

Seriously, remind me as to why do we hate the French again? [Image: undecided.gif]


Dude, we seriously need a rundown on 2nd tier cities in France. I haven't given up on it yet. I met some really cool French folks in Europe that begged me to visit their homeland. They admitted that a few of their countrymen may look down on Americans but more than not I would be welcomed. One group I met was from Nice and said it was an awesome place w/ mad hotties. The French can be a bit arrogant w/ those that visit and don't speak the language, but many speak English so comm's shouldn't be a huge problem. NONE of the French guys I met were anything close to Alpha, which is probably why they would hang around me.

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