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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-10-2011 11:42 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Ali, most ppl say Estonia is a pretty good spot. What was your experience there? What was the difficulty IYO?

Anyone who says this is misinformed. I've lived in Estonia for almost 2 years now...this place is crawling with creeps from the UK, Spain, and Italy who come solely to hook up. The locals are inured to it. You will not be able to get a good-looking Estonian girl into bed easily when it's obvious that you're a sex tourist. The mentality that people have seems to be that Estonia = poor Eastern Europe = the locals will jump at the chance to hook up with a fat, middle-aged dude just because he's got a passport from a Western country. This is not the case, and I'd say it's the same for Latvia and Lithuania, too.

You need game to meet women in the Baltics, plain and simple. And God help you if you go to Finland or Sweden with no game. If you're British, game might not even help. The women here have heard every variation of the shitty pick-up lines from The Game. Every weekend I see some moron buying drink after drink for a girl, only to be told "Head Ööd!" (good night) when the lights come up. I've heard similar stories from Helsinki and Stockholm.

Good luck to all of the fat, balding, blue-collar British idiots who think they can come here and score a 10 for a one-night stand because they have 100 pounds to throw around on drinks for a weekend.

From what I've heard, the Greek islands in the summer are the best places to meet women for casual hookups.

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