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Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Easiest and hardest countries in Europe to pull?

Quote: (01-12-2011 11:58 AM)Austrian Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2011 11:21 PM)MysticTraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2011 02:13 PM)Austrian Wrote:  

The coldness and "ice-queen-attitude" is rampant here, even though the girls aren´t that attractive.

And they give you this weird vibe. The complete opposite of what you get from a Brazilian chik.

can you explain that? what do you mean by weird vibe?

As Roosh says, whenever you see a Brazilian Chik you mind jumps to sex not only because of their beauty but also because of their expressions, body language and some kind of sexy energy around them. The same happens to me with French women but with German girls I get a repulsive feeling. I really don't know how to describe it in words.

Quote: (01-12-2011 12:07 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

Again keep in mind, what people are talking about with the Coldness of the German chicks is what is also happening here and many other places. It's masculinization of females that is of course huge in Germany and getting bigger here every day.

Its also a part of the culture. French girls are very feminine and they have been so for a long time. Germans have had a cold nature since the beginning. Girls in India want to beat men even before they get out of their mother's wombs. I don't see Thai women turning into Feminazis.

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