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I haven't really made my mind up about 9/11 yet.

Although - it is interesting (and little reported) that in the weeks after 9/11 - Osama Bin Laden publicly denied any knowledge of the attacks. But then again he was holed up in Afghanistan at the time and was probably trying to stop the Americans come get him.

Also - there is very little concrete evidence to link Osama Bin Laden to 9/11. I remember awhile ago reading how difficult it would be to convict him in a court of law if he were ever to be caught alive.

Anyway - the link to the Peter Hitchens article above is just an account of how certain factors (like the US agreeing to some of Osama Bin Laden's demands, and the links to the support for Israel and 9/11) are played down in the offical story of 9/11. Even though they cannot be denied.

I am not sure what the average American believes. But - if you believe Osama Bin Laden organised 9/11. You have to understand that American support for Israel was the only reason for it. Israel really is the only reason that the Middle East hates America. It has nothing to do with a 'hatred for our way of life'. That is put out as a myth to distract from the links to Israel (who I happen to support by the way).

Indeed - I have alot in common with Osama Bin Laden. Like him my favourite TV show was The Wonder Years. Like him I love the music of Whitney Houston. And like him I am a big football fan (Bin Laden was an Arsenal supporter who - possibly - used to live in London).

So he really wasn't that bothered about 'our way of life'. Although like all of us - I am sure he had fantasies about how much better it would be if he were one day in charge.

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