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wow - great responses guys. A ton of interesting links and books to check out there.

And thanks for the kind words, Teedub!

Now - I forgot to mention another favourite writer earlier. He is the Gary Brecher - aka The War Nerd. He is very funny and seems to know about all the wars that have ever taken place. He had a collection of his work collected into a book. And you can see his latest columns here:

Anyway - here is one of my favourite columns by him. It is about aircraft carriers and it details his thoughts on why they are useless in modern warfare and will one day lead to the death of thousands of Americans when one gets sunk:

On a similar issue. This column is about a war general who managed to defeat the Americans in a war game even though he had far less firepower than the US:

As for Webster Tarpley. Here is a good interview he filmed before Obama became president. It gives some accurate predictions about what later transpired. It is interesting to watch since Tarpley's position is that Obama is even more radical and even more 'neo-con' than George W Bush.

Here is Tarpley discussing the US's strategic goal of ultimately playing China off against Russia:

And here is Tarpley wanring that the Libyan rebels we were supporting were the same terrorists we were fighting in Iraq:

Tarpley was on record about this 22 months before the rest of the media started to address similar concerns:

And of course about 18 months after Tarpley's piece you had the US embassy killings in Benghazi.

And lastly - here is a great article by Peter Hitchens which gives a different take on 9/11 than that usually aired in the mainstream media. Firstly - it seems that the US caved in to alot of Osama Bin Laden's demands. And secondly - the main reason for the attack (the US's support for Israel) was played down and practically covered up in the aftermath of 9/11:

Lastly - I will send you a PM, Kosko.

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