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LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (02-14-2013 12:36 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

This geek makes the case:

I actually really liked the video, it captures what I (and I'm sure a lot of guys here) have felt about this place at various moments. Anyone who's run a good amount of approaches on hotties here will have run into the scenario of "being a nobody" and losing out because of it. Even with game, you'll run into scenarios outlined in the video. These scenarios mostly refer to a stereotypical LA girl, which there are a lot of here, but certainly don't make the entire population of women. You'll find them mostly on the westside in West Hollywood or Beverly Hills. All the references are pretty funny too....Toast, Runyon, St. Nick's (had some great bangs from here when I worked 2 blocks away), Canter's, Rage (pass by this place every day...raging homo central) Casa Vega (worked two blocks from here too, great happy hour)

As Tuth has stated, if you get a feel for a particular neighborhood and demographic, L.A. is suddenly like anywhere else (I think, never really gamed anywhere else). But if you're in either WeHo and BH, and try spitting game on various 8+ girls, this video will seem oddly familiar...

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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