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In The Vagina Monologues a 13y.o. girl is raped by a 24-year old woman

In The Vagina Monologues a 13y.o. girl is raped by a 24-year old woman

Never heard of this before, thanks for posting (though post the date in the description next time). Like DOBA, I suspect he wouldn't get fired for that now - more likely there'd be a campus 'controversy' with various people taking sides. It'd come down to most people finding the monologue's content objectionable, but because it's Feminism with a capital F, they don't want to be seen as attacking it, and running into the arms of some conservative crackpot.

Manosphere writers should appropriate that phrase and link the story each time time they do. "Man, I took this girl home the other night. She resisted at first, but all in all, ' it was a good rape.'"

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