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Thailand challenge

Thailand challenge

Another thing I`ve been meaning to write about here happened to me a couple of weeks ago, the The Silom ping-pong show scam. I can`t believe I actually fell for it but it happened and hopefully it won`t happen to any of you after reading this.

So I was with my Canadian friend and a BKK regular and the girls wanted to see a pussy show so I said what the heck, let`s do it and we took a taxi up to the Silom market where all of those pussy show places are. Upon arrival, we were approached by one of the ubiquitous Thai guys carrying a menu of all different types of pussy shows (ping-pong, razors, bananas, etc). I asked him several times if it was a legit place and we won`t have any problems and of course he reassured me that everything was okay and so in we went.

We were inside for about 45 minutes, saw several different shows of ugly, fat and mostly older Thai women do things with their pussies I previously thought anatomically impossible, I even caught one of the ping pong balls that was going straight for my face (I rushed into the bathroom pretty quick to give my hands a thorough washing). Then we decided that it was time to leave so I went to the bar to pay our tab which I though would be 300 Baht for our three beers.

Of course, they presented me with a tab of 3900 Baht, the jacked up price included fees for the shows and drinks for the strippers. I told the bartender that I`m not paying this and then went back to our tables and told the girls to go to the door because we`re getting the fuck out of here. Luckily no gang of Thai men with blunt objects surrounded us but a small older woman blocked the door and said `you must pay bill`, I said hell no and opened the door, I think other customers were starting to stare at the commotion that was happening, I told her there`s no fucking way I`m paying 4K for three beers, and surprisingly she said `òk you pay 300`, I gave her the three bills and we split.

So a hairy situation was avoided and I learned my lesson, DON`T GO TO THE PING-PONG SHOWS IN SILOM!

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