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Thailand challenge

Thailand challenge

Re: TF: I'm not saying there isn't perhaps quality here and there on TF. What I'm saying is that BKK might be the most accessible city in the world for meeting girls in person, so why go online? There are quality girls to meet in SO many different venues in BKK, and you'll obviously have full clarity on what the girl looks like, how she will act / who she is, English language level, etc. Plus going out and meeting them, exploring the city and its different scenes, is fun.

Re: the money complaints: I'm not at all mandating you to pay for a girl's meals. I'm saying this borderline-competitive culture of "look how little I got away with paying!" is unhealthy, as is bemoaning a few hundred extra baht spent on a girl or a few thousand over the course of a trip.

Re: different strokes for different folks: definitely true. If P4P or pipelining are your thing, then go for it. I'm saying going these routes is missing out bigtime in BKK, both in terms of quality of girls and quality of life, and I suspect the guys who have been around for a while and have some perspective on BKK would agree.

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