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Hencredible's Weekend in Rio de Janeiro

Hencredible's Weekend in Rio de Janeiro

Rio is most definitely expensive. I mentioned that in my posts. That's why I said your first order of business is to see if you can crash with anyone there. The apartments are not great for what you pay for. I was actually initially going to stay with that chick in Botafogo for a few days but her a/c broke and wouldn't have gotten installed in time for my trip. She said I could still crash but I didn't want to because it was like 86 degrees in her house. My friend who I stayed with on my first Rio trip no longer lives there. Next time I go I have a friend to stay with from the States.

Airbnb has an option where you can get private rooms. Some may allow you to bring visitors. Always inquire about that. Will be cheaper for you but you won't have an entire place to yourself so that's the tradeoff.

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