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Hencredible's Weekend in Rio de Janeiro

Hencredible's Weekend in Rio de Janeiro

Quote:HC Wrote:

I will be returning to Rio with my boys next time in the next couple months. I think all this talk about Brazil eroding is bullshit. Rio has incredible talent and the vibe is still the same. There are so many chicks. It really felt like I was just there yesterday the moment I arrived.

I dunno bro. 3 days?

A warm glass of water tastes like heaven when you have just walked through a desert.

When you first step off the plane into any non western country, the difference in the women is immediately noticeable. The first few days are a honeymoon period though, and reality sets in when you spend a bit more time there. There is tons to see and do, you are on sensory overload and each new day seems to be a big one. That wears off quickly though, and you will inevitably find that you start seeing and feeling the more negative aspects of a place.

The fact that you have a social circle there is massive advantage too, most guys wont have that luxury

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