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A rich black guy in Russia is still a rich guy in Russia, and a rich guy in Russia is going to be the kind of man "they want to create happy family with". A normal middle class tourist who happens to be black and is going there for nothing other than pussy is asking for trouble. Its not neo nazi east to west FFS, but there is an element of it in parts which is nazi like.

Those people fought off the nazi's and suffered the largest losses in world war 2. Millions died and civilian causalities were horrendous. That has had a large bearing on the psyche of the people. They are proud of their heritage and their country. Pro Hitler bullshit is not accepted there, but pro russian bullshit is. Which means that anyone who is not Russian or has no respect for Russia and its people is asking for trouble.

If you dont give a continental crap about the country, history, culture or people, and you are only there to flash your cash and try to pick up a few novelty fucks, you are going to offend people. Its bad enough their women have developed reputations for being the whores of foreigners when the going got tough. If you happen to be anything but white, and you are offending people, you are confirming their already small minded view on race and it leads to trouble. You make yourself a target.

Labeling an entire country a bunch of ignorant, racist bigots for that is a bit much if you ask me. People are a product of their environment too.

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