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Quote: (12-11-2010 01:43 PM)Chaz Wrote:  


Can you talk about the women in Russia? I know some Russian women here in the U.S. who are pretty cool (and pretty hot).
Your handle, "Whoremonger," makes me wonder, though... were your women there pros or non-pros? (No offense meant by this -- I've been with a couple whores, too, in New Zealand, of all places!)

Can we discuss how it went in Russia, regarding where you met the girls, how the interactions went (did you have to speak Russian, or did they speak any English, etc.), etc., etc...

I hope it does not matter, but I am white and American. I would want to be there with at least one other person (of any race)

Have you been to the Ukraine? Can you compare Russia with Ukraine?

Nah, no offense taken. I run two websites where I charge escorts to advertise. It was a homage to my pimping. Have not done a hooker yet, Im saving that for when I get married [Image: smile.gif]

I have been to Russia 6 times in the last 11 years, and I have also been to the Ukraine, although I have only been there twice. I had an interest in Russia outside the women, but they became the best reason to keep going back.

Language barrier is a huge problem and I speak terrible Russian. I can get by, but its not easy sometimes. I find that a lot of the younger women learn more than one language, and many speak German, Italian or Dutch too. So I just hope that they can speak English or Dutch. But many women do learn English so you almost always find them.

Its not as easy to score as it used to be. Russian women are very traditional in that they expect men to pay for everything. Which is why many view them as gold diggers. 10 years ago there were very few Russian men who had a foreigners sort of purchasing power. Thats not the case anymore, and you can bet your ass that they have more options these days.

The Ukraine at the moment I think is where Russia was 10-15 years ago. Not an easy place to travel though and I found it less enjoyable as a destination than Russia, although for pussy alone its probably the best place in the world for European women.

Anyone can go to Russia. If you are black or you look Georgian though, you could run into a problem or two if you are going there to mack it up. Its not that all women will have an issue with you, its that a few may, and they end up telling their thug friends who have an excuse to take advantage of the situation. Going there as a tourist with your wits about you is no problem at all, going there for the poon alone is asking for trouble purely because you have the chance to offend.

If you have not been there before, stick to the major capitals like Moscow and St Petersburg. Make sure you can speak some basic russian so you can at least buy a train ticket or order a beer. If you looking to hook up, hit their dating sites like and look for chicks who speak English. Most will end up being your tour guide of sorts and if you dont lay them they end up introducing you to their friends who you end up dicking.

They seem cold, but once they get to know you they are very hospitable people. Try to do some research on their customs beforehand. They are the sort who will respond with a small gift in turn, only for you to find out later on that they did not eat for two days so they could afford it.

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